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There are three Chinese copies of the Israeli Model 4 and Model 4A1. All of them have valve assembly design similar to Model 4A1, have GOST 8762-75 port on each of their 40mm ports, and only available in universal one-size-fits-all only (which also intended for use by adults only as well). The copies are intended for industrial use.

Haigu 700[]

The Haigu 700 also known as HaiGU 700, HG-700, or simply as 700, is made by Cangzhou Haigu Safety Protection Technology Co., Ltd.. It has a five point skull cap harness similar to the ZA 6800 instead of the usual five point head harness and a neck strap like on the Model 4 and Model 4a1. The mask is available in various colours, with black being the most prominent. The gasket and inhale valve assembly are removable. It is one size fits all and designed to be used by adults only. The polycarbonate lenses are also removable, with a thickness of 2mm.

Type 99[]

The Type 99 is made by SJL. It lacks a peripheral seal. The drinking tube is compatible with the ones on MF15B and MF-11. In the US, it is often rebranded as "Kyng Israeli Mask".

Differences between Type 99 and Shalon 4a1[]

Although from afar, both mask would be a bit difficult to differentiate, the differences between the two are obvious when seen closely. Some of the biggest differences are:

  1. Type 99 is GOST threaded while the Shalon 4a1 is STANAG threaded.
  2. The hydration straw for Israeli masks is incompatible with the Type 99.
  3. The Type 99 lacks a peripheral seal compared to the Shalon 4a1.
  4. The Type 99 is made in only one size, unlike the Shalon 4a1.
  5. The Type 99 is manufactured to lower standards than the Shalon 4a1.

ZA 6800[]

The manufacturer for the ZA 6800 is unknown. It does not have a drinking tube. Even though the 40mm port and voice diaphragm assembly is similar to the mask it is based on, it lacks an inlet valve. The head harness is kind of similar to the Haigu 700. Any info about this mask is non existent, as there is no manual for the mask and no visible markings on the mask at all.
