The Dirzepest was the Hungarian export variant of the Dirzepo.
It differs from the Dirzepo only in the colour and the markings, which showed the name and the Pirelli logo. The filter contains a layer of particulate filtering material made of resin-impregnated wool and viscose rayon at the bottom and a layer of activated charcoal, pumice and other blocking substances at the top. Before being opened, the bottom intake is covered by a small sheet of waxed canvas and the top is closed using a 40 mm lid, with all of this bound with a string closed using a small lead seal. After the filter has been opened for the first time, it could be closed again using the 40 mm lid and a small rubber seal attached through a string to the filter.
As mentioned before the colour differs from the Dirzepo, it was made in two colours, one is a darker orange than the Dirzepo. And the other colour is brown, possibly the same as on the normal T.35 filters.
Just like any other Italian masks and filters it was imported by Légoltalmi Kft. (Air defence Co.). According to the 441. A m. kir. honvédelmi miniszter 1939. évi 88.050. eln, lgv, számú rendelete the Dirzepest costed as much as the 34M filter; 3,50 Pengő.