Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki

The F.B.-M.1 is a Brazilian industrial gas mask produced in the late 50s modeled off the US M3-10A1-6 Lightweight Service Mask.


Not much is known about the Brazilian F.B.-M.1.A2, besides the fact that it was for Military use. The faceblank is almost identical to the US M3. The F.B-M.1.A2 differenciates itself from its American counterpart by having: brass eye crimps, black rubber hose and the "star" exhale valve and instead of the filter being clamped to the hose like the M3, the FB-M1 uses a 40mm filter connection. It uses a khaki M3 style carrier. The earliest stamp I was able to find was from 1954 and the latest stamp was 1971.

