Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki
Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki

The FG-130, FGP-130, FG-13 and FU-13 were box filters available in the Soviet Union, where they were used for protection against hazards found in industrial and agriculture manufacture. These filters were mostly issued with the ShMP kit.

Filter overview[]

Outwardly, it looks similar to the EO-16, sharing the same dimensions and overall shape, however, later the EO.1.08.01 (PMK-1 filter) shape was also used. Interestingly the "M" and FG-13 SO filters use two male GOST threads on either end, instead of the standard Soviet filter arrangement of one GOST thread and the intake sealed by a rubber plug. The M and SO filters are noticeably heavier than the others because it contains hopcalite (MnO2 and Cu2O in 3:1 mixture) to filter out carbon monoxide. Most FG-130s weigh in the region of 1100 to 1200 grams. During manufacture, the filters were painted the appropriate colour or colours with no basecoat. In the filters inlet or intake there is meant to be a blob of paint to indicate what filter it is, if the outside is damaged. Sometimes FU-13 filters with extra particle layers and no bottom thread are marked with an ink stamp saying A/V/G/E/KD2.

It is hard to establish the exact manufacturing timeline for these filters. The filter pictured above is dated 1971 and it is known that this filter design survived into the post-USSR period. It was probably used until the mid or late 1990s.

List of the filters[]



Protective effect

Modern protection level

A (A) brown against vapors of organic compounds (gasoline, kerosene, acetone, benzene, toluene, xylene, carbon disulfide, alcohols, ethers, aniline, organohalogen compounds, nitro compounds of benzene and its homologues, tetraethyl lead), phosphorus and organochlorine toxic chemicals A
A (A) brown with vertical white line the same as A but with a particle filtration layer A P3
V (B) yellow against acid gases and vapors (sulfur dioxide, chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocyanic acid, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen chloride, phosgene), organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides B
V (B) yellow with vertical white line the same as V but with a particle filtration layer B P3
G (Г) veritcal black - yellow against mercury vapors, organic mercury, toxic chemicals based on ethylmercuric chloride Hg
G (Г) veritcal black - yellow with vertical white line the same as G but with a particle filtration layer Hg P3
E (E) black against rsenic and phosphorous hydrogen B
E (E) black with vertical white line the same as E but with a particle filtration layer B P3
KD (КД) gray against ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and their mixture BK
KD (КД) gray with vertical white line the same as KD but with a particle filtration layer BK P3
M (M) red against carbon monoxide in the presence of organic vapors (except for practically non-sorbed substances, for example, methane, butane, ethane, ethylene, etc.), acid gases, ammonia, arsenous and phosphorous hydrogen ABEK CO
SO (CO) white against carbon monoxide CO
BKF (БКФ) olive green against acid gases and vapors, organic vapors, arsenous and phosphorous hydrogen, dust, smoke and fog ABE P3

