Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki
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The production of industrial and military gas masks and filters was always done by one company in Hungary. However it was renamed and changed many times throughout the years.

Mercur (1928-1948)[]

On the base of the 28M szűrőbetét Mercur Műszaki és Vegyipari Rt. made industrial filters since 1928, but in 1933 this changed because Mercur developed its own filters, including industrial filters. The industrial filters were based on the 33M szűrőbetét (small lightweight filter) and on the 33M légtisztító (big, heavy filter). Interesting to note that all filter cotained a particle filtering layer. These filters were used with Ipari álarc, Félálarc and T. gázálarc.

Mercur filters
Type Colour Protective effect Modern protection level
A brown against the vapor of all organic substances and solvents like: benzene, gasoline, acetone, ethyl ether, formic acid, formaldehyde, crotonaldehyde, acrolein, pyridine, sulfonyl chloride, sulfur chloride, carbon tetrachloride, trichlorethylene, acetic acid, alcohols, carbon disulfide A P3
B gray against chlorine, bromine, iodine, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen bromide, hydrogen iodine, phosgene, cyan, mercury vapors, metal vapors, nitrous gases, ammonia and for lesser extent substances listed under "A" filter. ABKHg P3
D gray - yellow against fine particles P3
E yellow against against sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid BE P3
T (or F) red firefighter filter, against irritants in flue gases, industrial poisons listed under "B" filter and against hydrogen sulphide to a lesser extent than the "L" filter. It does not protect against carbon dioxide. ABEKHg P3
G blue special protection against cyanides B P3
J2 blue - brown special protectiona against Cyklon B B P3
K green special protection against ammonia K P3
L yellow - red special protection against hydrogen sulfide B P3
M yellow - blue special protection against hydrogen sulfide and ammonia BK P3
O yellow - green special protection against arsenic hydrogen and hydrogen phosphorus B P3
R yellow - brown against hydrogen sulfide and for lesser extent substances listed under "A" filter. AB P3
U red - gray against arsenic hydrogen, hydrogen phosphorus and for lesser extent substances listed under "B" filter. ABKHg P3

Műszaki Művek (1952-1963)[]

These filters were based on the 41M except for the Szénmonoxid filter (CO), which was different. Every protection type has a different colour or colour mix, resulting in a colourful appearance, and has a small paper on the side which contains information about the filter. There is a painted protection type marking on some of them as well. These were mostly used with the 51M, Mg. gázálarc, Ipari félálarc and post-war production 34M (Ipari gázálarc) masks.

Műszaki Művek filters
Type Colour Protective effect Modern protection level
A brown against vapors of organic materials A
AD brown - yellow against spray fumes used in plant protection AX
D gray - yellow against dust P3
B gray solvents, acid gases, halogen acids, halogens, nitrous gases A B E
E yellow against acid gases E
G blue against sulfuric acid B
J blue - brown against Zyklon-B B
K green against ammonia K
L yellow - red against hydrogen sulfide B
M yellow - blue against hydrogen sulfide and ammonia B K
O yellow - green against phosphorus hydrogen and hydrogen arsenic B
R yellow - brown hydrogen sulfide, to a lesser extent against organic vapors and solvents AB
red against combustion gases and fly ash AXB P3
Pb white - brown against lead vapor B P3
CO green - black against carbon monoxide CO
Cl green - yellow against chlorine B
Hg brown - red against mercury vapor Hg P3

Medicor (1963-1988)[]

Early Medicor (1963-1975)[]

The factory was renamed to Medicor Művek Légzésvédelmi Készülékek Gyára and the production of the 41M filter based industrial filters continued with Medicor markings and with slightly different colour and letter classification. Later the the small paper and the painted protection type was changed to a wrap-around paper strip which contains information about the filter and has the same colour as the secondary colour on the filter.

Before 1970 but after 1965 the 41M filtres were a bit updated, the filter got a new bottom and a rubber plug attached to the canister with a string but the markings and types remained the same.

Early Medicor filters
Type Colour Protective effect Modern protection level
A brown against vapors of organic substances and solvents A
B gray against acid gases, halogens, halogen acids, nitrous gases, to a lesser extent solvents ABE
Cl green -yellow against chlorine B
CO gray with black line against carbon monixide CO
D gray - yellow against dust P3
DF gray - yellow only for frest air breathing equipment P
E yellow sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide E
G blue against hydrogen cyanide and cyanogen chloride B
J blue - brown against Zyklon-B B
K green against ammonia K
L yellow - red against hydrogen sulphide B
M yellow - green against hydrogen sulphide and ammonia BK
O gray - red against arsenic and phosphorus hydrogens B
R yellow - brown against hydrogen sulfide, slightly organic vapors and solvents AB
Tü F red against combustion gases, fumes, cyan vapors. Not against CO! AXB P3
X brown - red against neurotoxins, sprays, lead dust and fumes, combustion gases, fumes. Not against CO! AX P3
Y white - red against hydrogen sulfide and slightly organic solvent vapors AB
Z blue - red against hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen arsenic, hydrogen phosphorus, Zyklon-B gas B

Late Medicor (1975-1988)[]

In 1970 the 70M filter was introduced and the industrial canister changed to the 70M shape not long after that in 1975 hence the designation of these filters is 75M (the specific designation contain the protection level, like "75M U"). These are not that specific in protection type and much more similar to the modern classification scheme. The two-coloured painting was abandoned so these filters are one colour painted and the wrap-around paper strip gives the second colour. These were mostly used with Ipari teljes álarc, Ipari félálarc, 60M and SM-41. These filters came out from the factory packed in wrapping paper with a stamp on the top showing the protection level. Shelflife was 2 years.

Each filter had a SZOT MTKI number (Szakszervezetek Országos Tanácsa, Munkavédelmi Tudományos Kutató Intézet - National Council of Labor Unions, Occupational Safety Research Institute), however this sticker on the filters wasn't applied before the late 1970s or early 1980s. The first number is always 4 because that standed for the respiratory protective equipment. The second number is 7 which meant that these are against gases or vapors, the only exception is the D because it was against dust so the number is 6. The third number is 3 because that marked the filters. The last number, which can double digit, marks the type of the filter.

Late Medicor filters
Type Colour MTKI number Protective effect Modern protection level
A brown - white against vapors of organic substances and solvents A
2A brown - white same as A but longer protection time A2
A-B dark green - white 4735 against vapors of organic substances and solvents, acid gases, nitrous gases, halogens and halogen acids ABE
B gray - white 4734 acid gases, nitrous gases and to a lesser extent solvents ABE
2B gray - white same as B but longer protection time B2E2
Cl dark green - yellow 4736 against chlorine B
D gray - yellow 4631 against dust and smoke P3
DF gray - white only for frest air breathing equipment P
E yellow - white against sulfur dioxide E
2E yellow - white same as E but longer protection time E2
K green - white against ammonia K
2K green - white same as K but longer protection time K2
M yellow - green against hydrogen sulphide and ammonia BK
U red - white 47317 against vapors of organic substances and solvents, acid gases, nitrous gases, halogens, ammonia, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic hydrogen and phosphorus hydrogens as well as lead vapor and dust, combustion gases and smoke ABEK P3
X brown - organge 4739 against sprays containing neuro toxins, lead vapor and dust, combustion gases AX P3
2X brown - orange same as X but longer protection time AX P3
Y white - red against hydrogen sulfide and slightly organic solvent vapors AB
Z blue - white or blue - red against hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen arsenic, hydrogen phosphorus, Zyklon-B gas B

Medicor Respirátor (1988-1990)[]

In 1988 the company became independent from the parent company Medicor Csoport and was a shareholder too. The name changed to Medicor Respirátor IRt. and the company updated its corporate identity and tried to modernise the assortment as well. The overall appearance remained the same but these filters made in two sizes, one is a bit higher than the other and came packed in an orange cardboard box with a marking on the top about the protection level and a manual in the box. Later the filters sometimes were just packed in a plastic bag. Shelflife was 2 years for gas filters and 3 years for combined filters. In 1990 the French Comasec International SA. company bought 50% of the shares hence the company name changed to Comasec Respirátor Rt., but the old labels were used till 1991 and in some cases early 1992.

Medicor Respirátor filters



Protective effect

Modern protection level

A2 gray against solvents, vapors of organic substances and organic gases (>65°C) A2
AX2 yellowish green - green against solvents, vapors of organic substances and organic gases (<65°C) AX2
A2-P3 gray - white against solvents, vapors of organic substances, organic gases, dust and aerosols A2 P3
AX2-P3 yellowish green - white against solvents, vapors of organic substances, organic gases (<65°C), dust and aerosols AX2 P3
A-B gray - brown against solvents, vapors of organic substances, organic gases, inorganic gases and vapors AB
A2-B2 gray - brown against solvents, vapors of organic substances, organic gases, inorganic gases and vapors A2B2
A2B2-P3 gray - brown - white against solvents, vapors of organic substances, organic gases, inorganic gases and vapors, dust and aerosols
B2 gray against inorganic gases and vapors B2
B2-P3 gray - white against inorganic gases, vapors, dust and aerosols B2 P3
E2 yellow against acid gases and vapors E2
E2-P3 yellow - white against acid gases, vapors, dust and aerosols E2 P3
K2 green against ammonia and organic amine derivatives K2
K2-P3 green - white against ammonia, organic amine derivatives, dust and aerosols K2 P3
MG red (earlier purple) for plant protection work, against neurotoxins and organophosphorus sprays. AXB P3
J2-P3 orange - white against methyl iodide and radioactive dust Reactor P3
NO-P3 blue - white against nitrous gases NO
P3 white against fine dust, aerosols and bacteria P3

Comasec Respirátor (1991-1995)[]


Until about 1995 the filters remained the same 75M (70M based) ones but with a transitional thread which can fit in both GOST and DIN masks. And as mentioned before till 1991 the labels still featured Medicor Respirátor on the label. This changed in 1992 when the new Comasec Respirátor Rt. logo started to be used. Since 1995 a new more modern type of filer is in production with STANAG/NATO/DIN/EN thread and raw aluminium body. The shares of Comasec International SA. were purchased back by Medicor Csoport in 1995 however the Comasec Respirátor logo was used till 1997. These filters were mostly used with Biomaszk, Szupermaszk and possibly with older models like the Ipari teljes álarc.


This time came in the special 80mm threaded double canisters for the Respirátor FA series half masks.

Designation Colour (on the sticker) Protective effect
A brown Against organic gases and vapors.
B gray Against inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide and nitrogen monoxide).
E yellow Against sulfur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapours.
K green Against ammonia and organic amine derivatives.
AB brown, grey Same as A and B.
P2 white Against moderately toxic dust and aerosols.
MG purple,white Agricultural filter. Combined design. Against organic and inorganic pesticides,dust and aerosols.

Respirátor (1995-2015) Gamma (2015-)[]

In 1995 Respirátor Rt. was purchased by Medicor Csoport and in 2007 it started a partnership with Gamma Műszaki Zrt. then in 2015 the two company fully merged together. Now they produce military and civilian NBC equipment. The filters remained the same from the Comasec Respirátor era only the company logo changed. Shelflife is 6 years for most of the filters, but for the Reaktor P3 D it is just 3 while for the P3 R it is 10 years. The "R" and "RD" means that the filter can be used multiple times, "D" means the filter can be used only once. The weight of the gas filters is 210g, of the combined filters is 240g and the particle filter weights 110g.

The production of the special 80mm half-mask filters is unchanged.

Respirátor (Gamma) 40mm filters
Type Designation Colour (on the sticker) Protective effect
A1 brown against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C
A1P3 RD brown - white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, liquid and solid aerosols
A2 R2401 brown against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C
A2P3 R2601 brown-white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, liquid and solid aerosols
AX brown against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point under 65°C
AXP3 brown - white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point under 65°C, liquid and solid aerosols
B1 gray against inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide)
B1P3 RD gray - white against inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), liquid and solid aerosols
B2 R2402 gray against inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide)
B2P3 R2602 gray - white against inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), liquid and solid aerosols
E1 yellow against sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors
E1P3 RD yellow - white against sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors, liquid and solid aerosols
E2 R2403 yellow against sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors
K1 green against ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives
K1P3 RD green - white against ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives, liquid and solid aerosols
K2 R2404 green against ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives
A1B1 brown - gray against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide)
A1B1P3 RD brown - gray - white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), liquid and solid aerosols
A2B2 R2405 brown - gray against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide)
A2B2P3 R2605 brown - gray - white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), liquid and solid aerosols
A1B1E1K1 R2157 brown - gray - yellow - green against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors, ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives
A2B2E2K2 R2406 brown - gray - yellow - green against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors, ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives
A1B1E1K1P3 RD brown - gray - yellow - green - white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors, ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives, liquid and solid aerosols
P3 R R2502 white liquid and solid aerosols (≥ 0.3µm)
A2B2E2K2P3 RD R2606 brown - gray - yellow - green - white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors, ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives, liquid and solid aerosols
A2B2E2K2Hg-P3 RD brown - gray - yellow - green - red - white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors, ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives, mercury, liquid and solid aerosols
A2B2E2K2P3NBC brown - gray - yellow - green - white against organic gases and vapors with a boiling point over 65°C, inorganic gases and vapors (except carbon monoxide), sulphur dioxide and other acidic gases and vapors, ammonia and organic ammonium derivatives, mercury, liquid and solid aerosols, chemical agents
Reaktor P3 D (SX-IP3) R2802 orange (purple till 2005) - white radioactive iodide including radioactive methyl iodide and radioactive particles

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