Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki

The IPB - Índividuální Protichemický Balíček (Individual Anti-Chemical Package) was the standard issue decontamination kit of the Czechoslovakian People's Army (Československá Lidová Armáda - ČSLA) from circa 1960 until the introduction of the IPB-80 in 1980. It was carried in the lower right pocket of the Vz.60 uniform.



The IPB contains the following:

  • 4 Swabs
  • Small Container of Decontaminating Liquid in a Swab Cover
  • Large Container with Glass Ampoule Inside of Decontaminating Liquid in a Swab Cover
  • 4 Glass Vials for Pain Relief


Instructions for Using the Anti-Chemical Package

I. In case of OL contact on skin and/or clothing:

1. Use a dry swab from the lid of the box to absorb drops of OL from the skin (do not smear!).

2. Take out the small container, pierce it with the spike on the lid, soak a swab in the liquid and rub it on the contaminated skin (don't get it in the eyes!). Soak the contaminated area of clothing with the liquid and rub it with the swab cover of the container. Repeat soaking and rubbing until all the liquid is used up.

3. Take the large container, crush the glass ampoule inside. Shake the container 15-20 times. Pierce the container with the spike and treat the contaminated areas of skin and clothing with the liquid from this container in the same way as with the liquid from the small container.

4. Remove OL drops on the weapon with a dry swab, rub the weapon with the used swab covers of the containers, first from the small container, then from the large container.

II. For pain in the nose, throat and chest:

Break the glass vial and inhale, repeat with a new vial if the pain persists.

III. In case of contact with an unknown substance that does not form droplets on the skin or clothing, wash all exposed parts of the skin with both liquids, maintaining the same procedure (I).

*OL - Otravné Látky = Toxic Substances
