Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki

The IPB-80 - Índividuální Protichemický Balíček (Individual Anti-Chemical Package) was the standard issue decontamination kit of the Czechoslovakian People's Army (Československá Lidová Armáda - ČSLA), introduced in 1980. The IPB-80 replaced the original IPB. It was carried in the lower right pocket of the Vz.60 uniform (later the rear left pocket of the Vz.85 uniform).



The IPB-80 contains the following:

  • Skin Decontaminant - DESPRACH (Odmořovadlo Kůže DESPRACH)
  • 10 Swabs (10 Tampónů)
  • Soap (Mýdlo)
  • Directions Sheet (Návod k Použití)


Screenshot (268)

In case of exposure to drops or mist of toxic substances:

Open the bakelite package and take out the bottle of DESPRACH Skin Decontaminant. Immediately unscrew the cap and, by shaking the bottle upside down a few times, dust the affected area.

Spread the powder thoroughly for at least half a minute with one of the enclosed swabs. If both hands are contaminated, spread the powder by thoroughly rubbing the entire surface of the hands together without a swab. Then shake off the powder.

Treat the adjacent parts of the clothing, and/or the cheek of the protective mask, in the same way.


After decontaminating the skin with DESPRACH, use soap at the next opportunity for further treatment. Soap the affected areas, wash thoroughly and rinse with water.

After decontaminating, put the closed bottle, dried soap and the rest of the swabs back in the bakelite package.

In the event of exposure to radioactive dust and/or biological warfare agents:

Thoroughly wash exposed body parts with soap and water.
