Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki

The ИПП-51 - Индивидуальный Противохимический Пакет (Individual Anti-Chemical Package) was used to deactivate poison warfare agents. It is used to disinfect small body surfaces (hands, arms and neck), personal weapons, equipment and uniforms.


The IPP components are placed in a bakelite box measuring approximately 13 × 9 × 4 cm. The weight of a full package is about 230 g. Most IPP-51s have been marked "training" as they had expired.


The basic elements of the package are two plastic containers with disinfecting solutions:

  • 40 cm³ vessel with a 15% solution of sodium cresolate in 96% ethanol. This solution is used to neutralize organophosphorus compounds, e.g. sarin, soman, tabun, by alkaline hydrolysis.
  • Large vessel approximately 70 cm³ with a 10% zinc chloride solution and a glass container with 15 g of monochloramine B (in an inner glass ampoule) in 82% ethanol. Before use, dissolve monochloramine B by crushing the vessel inside a plastic container and mix well. This solution is used to deactivate mustard, lewisite and V-gases, e.g. VX or VG.
  • Four glass ampoules with isoamyl nitrite. These solutions are to alleviate dyspnea occurring in the presence of asphyxiant combat gases, e.g. phosgene. Each of these ampoules is placed in a protective bag made of a durable, densely woven fabric that is designed to contain glass shards when the antidote is used. The package also includes four cotton gauze napkins (gauze pads) for removing liquid poisonous substances and wiping disinfected surfaces