Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki
Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki
PMK-3 Filter

The войсковой KB-2V filter fresh out of wrap.

The filter KB-2V (V stands for войсковой or forces) Combination Filter is the standard-issue gas mask filter cartridge used by the Russian Federation Armed Forces. It protects against nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological threats and is compatible with the PMK-2 and PMK-3 respirators or, through the standard issued adapter, with other RD40x4 respirators.

Acquisition and Characteristics[]

The lighter "forces" filter KB-2V Filter comes standard with PMK-3 gas masks. 1 gas mask set will include 1 filter in oil-impregnated wrapping paper. Unlike most filters that come in air-tight packaging, the KB-2V filter simply comes in a brown wrapper with a rubber intake plug and a plastic cap covering a rubber plug which is held in place by the deflector cap. This cap and plugs are removed before mounting the filter on the gas mask. The deflector cap insures proper seal of the inner side filter plug when in storage, secures the filter post installation into the face piece, direct the airflow towards the eye pieces when intalled correctly to decrease fogging.

The KB-2V/U filters are one of the newest filters bar FPS-4P filters used in PMK-4 in use by the Russian Federation Armed Forces to date as it is lighter and more compact than the older filters used by the PMK-1 and older gas masks. This filter contains a particulate and activated carbon filter elements which will cover the CBRN threats that Russian forces expect to face in service. It is unlikely that this filter contains any harmful chemicals (such as chromium) but there are no published lab tests to confirm this. The filter is unique in that it has its own rubber valve disk on the side which interfaces with the gas mask. The PMK-3 Gas Mask due to its design, does not have an intake valve; only a filter port opening where the filter box is installed on the internal bayonet or the RD40x4 thread filter adapter plug, or blanking plug will mount.

In addi


КБ2-У and КБ2-В filters side by side.

tion to the KB-2V filter there is a "Universal" KB-2U which offers better performance against chemical threats and is more commonly used in more taxing missions such as chemical weapons disposal. This filter follows the KB-2V patern but is longer and heavier. The PMK-3 filters also sometimes come in the silver finish, this is a part of the decontamination technique set.

Use and Compatibility[]

It should be noted that this filter is NOT compatible with most other gas masks as it features a proprietary interface which is different from the standard NATO and GOST 40mm threaded connectors. The mount of either KB-2V or KB-2U filter features a metal lip which is forcefully inserted to the rubber ports of the PMK-2 and PMK-3 gas mask. The filter is very difficult to mount and it is unlikely that this can be done with the gas mask donned. The reasons behind this desighn were allowing the end user to determine his mask type (for left or right hand shooter), moving the filter closer to the user's face. The later was assisted by the filter's flat inner surface. The ability of the user to quickly change the filter in the CBRN environment was not seen as a significant requirement, particularly on the PMK-3 due to it's 24h protective rating against typical CBRN threats. The ability to use RD40x4 threaded filters has been retained via the use of an adapter which can be installed instead of the standard filter. In theory the use of both adapters (on the mask and on the filter) would make PMK-3 or PMK-2 into a classical threaded mask but the increased distance between the filter and the face piece makes this arrangement less secure.

Filter with cap removed (2)

The Light filter KB-2V Filter without the cap. Note the unique rubber valve disk on the filter instead of the mask.

PMK-3 Filter Bottom

Filter bottom. The rubber plug takes a lot of effort to remove.

PMK-3 Side

Side view of the Light filter KB-2V. It is shorter than older the PMK-1 filter and US C2A1 canister.

PMK-3 Serial Number

The filter comes with a serial number.
