Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki
Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki

The Evolution 5000 Canister is a CBRN combination filter (DIN 40mm) made in South Korea. It uses the Rd40 x 1/7" thread (NATO Standard). It comes with the Korean military gas mask kit as the OEM filter. Capable for filtering most if not all CBRN threats, the Evolution 5000 (or K1 Canister) can be found in Southeast Asian Military surplus stores as individual filters or with the K1 mask.

Although there are no markings on this filter, it is presumably made by Samgong Industrial which is the company that manufactures the K1 respirator.  The filter and the mask are distributed in the USA by NBC Safety USA Inc.

Filter NoCap

Filter Bottom View

Filter Side

Filter Side View

Filter Bottom

Filter with Bottom Cap installed
