Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki
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The MF-20 is a simplified version of MF-22. The facepiece is directly taken from the MF-22. The drinking tube is sealed, and the hole where the inner straw supposed to be is removed and screwed, rendering them unusable and there are three configurations of the mask. Available in 3 sizes; 1 (small), 2 (medium), and 3 (large). There are no markings on the mask itself except for the size indicator. It uses foam washer instead of a rubber washer on its 40mm port, but it is easily removable and can be replaced with a rubber washer. It might also serve the same function as the Israeli M15-A30 as well since there aren't much difference between this mask and its predecessor except for the inability to drink while using it and also by the fact that clansman microphone can be used on it too (except for the dual port filter version). One of the filters it uses is the Z-B-R2-V filter.

Explanation on its variants[]

The first and the most common is the version with a 40mm STANAG port on the left side and a secondary voice emitter like on the S10 and MF-22. The second, lesser common version of the mask has a voice emitter on the left side and a 40mm port on the right side instead. The third version of the mask has dual 40mm ports, and this version much rarer than two of the earlier versions. There are also two types of straps system implemented on the mask; six point rubber straps and six point elastic skull cap.

In popular culture[]

Might be worn by the Chinese Engineer class in Battlefield 4, or it might be MF-22 instead.
