Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki
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The MODA was a prototype mask for artillerymen and officers, very much the same role the soviet ShMS would fill; however, it never left the prototype stage. Development started in 1952 and was stopped (most likely) in 1953.


It had an adjustable distance between the eyepieces, to maximise the field of vision for each user. The valve assembly is very reminiscent of the CM-3 and was most likely reused for it after the MODA project was scrapped. The mask utilized a simple 6 point head harness made out of elastic, again, very much like a CM-3, with a neckstrap attached to the bottommost strap point. There were also two tissot tubes running on the outer side of the mask, right by the eyes. The mask was most likely manufactured by Gumárny Zubři, as that was the only gasmask plant left operational after WW2. It is not known how many were originally manufactured, but as of now there are two surviving examples, one owned by Ing.Petr Hemrle of, the other by Pavel Kalina of
