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The MSA Ultravue, in Europe known as MSA-Auer 3S, is a panoramic facepiece made of black rubber. It was developed in early 1970s and produced starting from ca. 1976 by Mine Safety Appliances.

It usually came with a 30mm threaded filter insert that screwed into the 40mm inlet. The rubber at the bottom of the inlet can become brittle and crack on some older masks.

The mask has a 5 point rubber head harness. The mask also has a single large visor piece. The exhale valve has a square plastic cover with a grid design to protect the exhale valve.

The mask has many variants, from SCBAs to integrated welding goggles.

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A ultravue with integrated welding googles and kevlar welding hood

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Cleanup workers wearing Ultravue masks following the Three Mile Island accident in 1979.
