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The Mk III General Service Respirator was an Interwar and Second World War era gas mask issued to the land based British Armed Forces.


The Mk III used a 'flapper' style exhale valve system, much like the older SBR. The Mk III has an improved diaphragm arrangement, that allows for clearer speech. With the SBR, it was impossible to talk because the user breathed through a mouthpiece held between the teeth and lips. The Mk III molded face mask created a single air tight chamber that eliminated the need for the user to breath through their mouth (although the parts were kept in case the face piece leaked or was damaged) and eliminated the uncomfortable nose clip of the SBR. The hose assembly was attached below the exhale valve, allowing for audible speech to be projected. These arrangements would be further improved by the Mk IV.



Although the Mk III would ultimately be replaced by the Mk IV General Service Respirator in 1926, some were issued to nurses in Voluntary Aid Detachments after the Mk III had been replaced. The Mk. III GS Respirator continued to serve as a training mask in some anti-gas schools up-to and during the war.

In addition, the Mk III would be used both militarily and non-combatively by the Commonwealth of Australia, seeing use by the Australian Army as well as firefighters and Air Raid Precautions, from the 1920s to throughout the Second World War.
