About RM-2[]
RM-2 (Marine Respirator 2) Respirator created in the early 80's for the crews of nuclear submarines. To protect against the isotope iodine-131 from which atomic submarines emit, since this isotope is very wet it cannot be absorbed by conventional respirator and gas mask filters. Then the leadership of the USSR decided to create RM-1, but it remained a prototype, but the second version survived and is still used by the Russian Navy. Currently the new version of NVI-5 is the name of the mask from the kit RM-2 differs from the Soviet mask only by the details of black and higher quality plastic
Construction of RM-2[]
The RM-2 is an insulating mask with a filter fitted directly inside the mask, as implemented in the PMK-2 and PMK-3 masks. The mask does not contain an inspiration valve. The inspiration valve is located inside the filter in the same manner as the in filter PMK-2 and PMK-3. The mask has an exhalation valve at the bottom under the plastic shield and an unparalleled intercom on the left side as well as a belt system with 4 straps in the same material as the GP-7 belt system .
RM-2 kit[]
The rm-2 kit consists of the NVI-5 mask, a filter, a plastic container and a sealed bag for storage and carrying when in the water.
Isotope Iodine-131[]
Iodine-131 is an artificial radioactive isotope of iodine. Half-life is about 8 days, mechanism of decay is beta decay. First obtained in 1938 at Berkeley.
It is one of significant products of nuclear fission of uranium, plutonium and thorium, accounting for up to 3% of nuclear fission products. During nuclear tests and accidents of nuclear reactors it is one of the main short-lived radioactive contaminants of the environment. It poses a great radiation hazard to humans and animals due to its ability to accumulate in the body, replacing natural iodine.