Gas Mask and Respirator Wiki
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Horse gas mask1

The KSPM/КСПМ is a gas mask designed for cavalry horses.

The kit in the wooden box (Dimensions: 11,81" x 11,81" x 7,87" / 30cm x 30cm x 20cm) includes the two filters respirator with exhale valve and goggles.

The mask fits over the horse's snout and was then strapped to the animal's head via a series of belts.

The full name of KSPM (КСПМ) is 'Horse Dry Small Gas Mask' ("Конский сухой противогаз малого габарита")


Horse gas mask

description states: Antigas KSPM and protective goggles in "Fighting/Military" position.

Horse gas mask 2

"putting on antigas KSPM"
